
Your country needs you!

A Navy Pilot was shot down over the mountains of Afghanistan.

Though severely injured, he was able to arrive safely at the nearby American Embassy, approximately 5 kilometers from his crash site.

However, his plane was carrying highly sensitive surveillance equipment that must be destroyed before it falls into enemy hands.

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Your highly trained Tactical Team of 4 must destroy the surveillance equipment, and then deliver medical aide Lt. Commander Lewis at the Embassy 5 kilometers away.

Mission Plan: 

Insertion: Parachute Jump. “Parachute” in to the Landing Zone. (Supermans, V-sits, Sandbag “up & over” Squats, and Plank holds in push-up position)

Objective: Search and Destroy. Set up a “Security perimeter” and destroy the equipment. (Burpees and Partner Ball Slams)

Extraction: Mission Complete. Deliver the medical supplies to the Embassy. (Over-head walking lunges with a sandbag, and it will end with the Firecracker 5K while carrying the Sandbag.)